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Quick Guide for the Online Sellers and Glossary of Online Selling Words - Part 2

We are happy to present to you the PART 2 of the Quick Guide for the Online Sellers and Glossary of Online Selling words and we thank you dear readers for the excellent support we received for the Part 1.  In this part 2 we are presentng two more e-commerce sites for online selling places as reference.  We hope that the information provided in this blog will be of use to the readers.

21st century's bonhomie with e-commerce  is a welcoming sign for online sellers. Day in and Day out, more and more e-commerce sites step into the online market.

Tremendous leap from the Barter System of selling to the present day e-commerce has added more new words to the English Dictionary. This has lead to the difficulty of coping up with the growing number of e-commerce jargon for the online sellers . 

SELLinALL Blog as a goodwill gesture to the online sellers compiled this

quick guide about the facilities and registration requirements of the top online e-commerce sites (in this blog -Part 1- five market places referred) to refer at a glance. As an additional feature this blog compiled the glossary of e-commerce words often used in the e-commerce platforms, to ease the difficulties the online sellers come across every day due to lack of understanding of the e-commerce terminology. 

This blog may be construed as the beginning of the Quick Guide and in future we hope to add more and more e- commerce sites and words to this compilation.

Readers  please note this guide provides you only the basic information of the e-commerce sites as a reference. Readers are requested to visit the ecommerce sites (market places) for a complete and authorised details.

With seven market places in  five countries Q0010 considered to be one of the biggest e-market places in Asia.

 Registraion :                      Required

Documents Required:     Sellers registration certificate from the respective countries;  Bank Statement of Accounts having same name as in the sellers registration certificate.    Bank account information form to be submitted along with the sellers information in the specified format provided in the web site of q0010.

Upon registration you will be a member of Q0010 programme.

Seller shop is authomatically generated upong registration.

Effective advertisement exculsively done by Q0010.

Withdrawal of amount received out of sale of items in three different period depending upon the sellers classification from 7 days to 15 days.

Service fees is being paid in percentage of sales price according to the sellers classification.

Q0010  Sales Manager Programme helps  the sellers  in all the queiries and difficulties encountered during the selling and registration process.k

Editors Note:

Q0010 - this immensely popular Ecommerce platform will be made so easy to work with the integrated SELLinALL software.

Now team SELLinALL  presents to the online sellers many more exciting new features -

  • Export from Ebay to Qoo10, Lazada to Qoo10, Qoo10 to Qoo10.
  • Import existing Qoo10 inventory to SELLinALL account via .csv file.
  • Qoo10 listing for Variant products and Non-variant products enabled.
  • Convert Non-variant product to a Variant product.
  • Inventory Edit & Delete option available for Non variant and Variant.
  • View your new Qoo10 orders and inventory will be synced to other channels.
  • Accept and cancel orders within SELLinALL.
  • Filter your orders with date range.


magento - Is an open source ecommerse platform started in 2008, headquartered in Culver city, california where the customer can maintain their customised site according to their requirement.

margin - The percentage or amount a seller can load on the product cost to make profit.

e-market place -  a web site  wherein which various third party sellers join and give their service informa- tion and where the process of the transaction have been done by the market place operator.

mobile friendly website  - The site that displays correctly on hand held devices like smart phone , iphones, ipads and tablets. The present day devices makes it easy  to do all the features of a full-fledged website in the small devices.

mobile ecommerce/mcommerce -  The buying and selling of goods  and services through wireless  hand- held devices like smart phones, tablets, iphones, ipad etc.

O to O    - on line to off line ecommerce  outsource, supplying goods or services done by outsider on contract basis.

On the clouds computing  - Storing data and programmes through internet in other computer instead of having them in their own hard drive.

Paypal - An american company established in 1998 . Operating world wide online payment system.

pinterest - Web and mobile application company started in 2010 that operates photo or video sharing website.

peer to peer - A network of computers where datas or transaction done directly from computer to computer instead of through a central server.

payment gateway - A merchant service provided by an e-commerce application service provider for ecommerce payment transactions

POS - Point of Sale.

PPC - Pay Per Click - Example - Adword, bing centre.

Retailer - A business person selling goods directly to the consumer

shopify - A Canadian ecommerce company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, that develops computer software for online stores and retail point of sale system.

Social media  web site or application that enables users to share contents or pics or videos or participate in social net working.

shop clues - Indian ecommerce market place founded in California in 2011.

snap deal - Business to customer ecommerce site based in New Delhi, India, started in 2010.

SELLinALL - A multi-channel ecommerce platform cloud software that manages order, inventory and reporting all integrated in one system. A  software company which has developed a user friendly software which helps seller to seller in many ecommerce platform.

Shipping - Transporting commodities and
Merchandise or cargo from the seller to customer.

shopping Cart - Listing out the intented purchase goods
to the billing page in an ecommerce site.

SKU  - Stock Keeping Units - product or service identification code for the store.

SEO  - Search Engine Optimisation.

twitter - An online social networking service that enables user to publish or read short 140 character messages called tweets.

traffic - In the Internet flow of data across the Internet.

URL - Uniform resource locater a recognised sort of address in the Internet world.

Wholesaler - An intermediary entity in distribution channel which in turn sell to the retailer.

Zalora - Online fashion store. HQ in Singapore started in 2012.

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