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"They say,  it is a year-end sale.
But the mega sale will never end with the year-end;
It goes round and round all year round."

                                                                                         - Inian P K 
It is holiday season and the mega sales advertisements have started their showcasing around the world. Whether it is an online market SALE or Brick and Mortar Stores SALE,  the buyers are surrounded and saturated with the advertisements by the different sellers. 

In this scenario,  let us present to you, how to stand out of the crowded markets mega sales to achieve the maximum out of the chaotic SALE ambient.  In this article, we would like to bring out the easy ways to reach the targeted goal.

The statistics say 2018 holiday season sale has a growth rate of 15% than the previous year.  The growth rate is on the steep upward curve comparing the last five years. It is worth taking advantage of the extra mileage we get during the holiday season sale. It is calculated in the United States a buyer with an annual household income of US$ 100 K, on an average spends US$.1226/- on the gifts in a year.

According to the statistics, October is the peak performing month for the holiday e-commerce sale which captures 14.5% of the annual total e-commerce sale.  The other top performing months are August 9.9%, September 9.7%, November 11.2% and December 13.2%.


Primarily it is the analysation that counts for a sale.  Going through your past history of the products selling trend and the present day market trend, combined together you have to arrive at a conclusion as to which product was sold a lot with which holiday sale.  Make a promotional calendar and choose the key holidays.  Review the holiday sales statistics. Decide upon the choice of goods.  Once you have decided you make ready the stock and your inventory of goods stock ready and sufficient.  

Ready your website for the heavy load it has to take during the period of the holiday sale. Check the speed of your website. Site performance and the page speed are imperative for Global Online Sellers. Slow performing site shall interfere with the purchase decision of the purchaser.

Have a brainstorming session for the percentage of discounts you will be providing for the sale. Instead of a flat percentage of discount, you can give an early morning purchase discount, midnight purchase discount,  discounts on purchase in numbers etcIf possible bundle the promotions

Conversion Rates through:

E-Mail - 4.29%; Online Search - 3.04%, Direct -2.93%; Social Media Platform - 1.81%.  These statistics show that the Email leads the conversion rate because the customers are chosen by the sender and many of them shall be regular in shopping with the sender. The Social Media Platform is the lowest because the targeted buyers shall be interested in various purchase needs. 

Simple tricks to improve the Big Sale:

1. Let your site be adept to Mobile/smartphone, PCs, Laptops and all kinds of Tablets. Particularly make your site adaptable to all android and ios Smart Phones,

2. Create a easier navigation in your website connecting them to the big sale.

3. Depending upon your budget you can choose the paid search to get more visibility for your sale.

4.  Be ready for the voice chat with your customer giving full details of your product sale.

5.  Prepare attractive Email promotion on your big sale.

6.  Make the delivery - Free of shipping charges.

7.  Make your return policy trouble free.

Dear Online Sellers, on the whole, to have a profitable happy ending brace yourselves up for lots and lots of workload till the Big SALE is over.
SELLinALL the Numero Uno software in its category will take the workloads off from your shoulders and manage your inventories easily when you are about to face the extremely challenging period of holiday season sales.


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