There are instances when an online seller registers in E-market places like Amazon, EBay, Snapdeal etc. and then they lose interest or they don't upload products after registering. Normally 30% of the online sellers who register are not actively involved in the selling process which is in a way loss to the E-market places. These are some of the problem areas and how these problem areas can be dealt: A seller who decides to sell in E-market place has to go through some procedures to register in the E-market and sell the products. Some sellers who go through half the way find the procedure to be tough and they may need some one who can help them in the registration process. So the best thing to deal with such cases is to have a team who can constantly pursue the sellers to finish the registration process. The sellers after finishing the registration process get struck when uploading photos and the data. This can be dealt by E-market places by having some peopl...