21st century's bonhomie with e-commerce is a welcoming sign for online sellers. Day in and Day out, more and more e-commerce sites step into the online market. Tremendous leap from the Barter System of selling to the present day e-commerce has added more new words to the English Dictionary. This has lead to the difficulty of coping up with the growing number of e-commerce jargon for the online sellers . SELLinALL Blog as a goodwill gesture to the online sellers compiled this quick guide about the facilities and registration requirements of the top online e-commerce sites (in this blog -Part 1- five market places referred) to refer at a glance. As an additional feature this blog compiled the glossary of e-commerce words often used in the e-commerce platforms, to ease the difficulties the online sellers come across every day due to lack of understanding of the e-commerce terminology. This blog may be construed...
Showing posts with the label flipkart Quick guide for the online sellers and glossary of online selling words