21st century's bonhomie with e-commerce is a welcoming sign for online sellers. Day in and Day out, more and more e-commerce sites step into the online market.
Tremendous leap from the Barter System of selling to the present day e-commerce has added more new words to the English Dictionary. This has lead to the difficulty of coping up with the growing number of e-commerce jargon for the online sellers .
Tremendous leap from the Barter System of selling to the present day e-commerce has added more new words to the English Dictionary. This has lead to the difficulty of coping up with the growing number of e-commerce jargon for the online sellers .
This blog may be construed as the beginning of the Quick Guide and in future we hope to add more and more e- commerce sites and words to this compilation.
Readers please note this guide provides you only the basic information of the e-commerce sites as a reference. Readers are requested to visit the ecommerce sites (market places) for a complete and authorised details.
Readers please note this guide provides you only the basic information of the e-commerce sites as a reference. Readers are requested to visit the ecommerce sites (market places) for a complete and authorised details.
Required : Pan card ; Vat/Tin Numbers of the sellers
(except sellers of books and un-stitched items) Bank account -Cancelled Cheque leaf supporting KYC data document - ID Proof, Adhar Card.
(except sellers of books and un-stitched items) Bank account -Cancelled Cheque leaf supporting KYC data document - ID Proof, Adhar Card.
What can be sold : Only products
Courier to flipkart : Not required
How to go about : List your products on the site
Pack the products : by yourself
Pick up : by flipkart
Settlement for
the goods sold : Within 5 to 7 days.
Sale price fixation : By the seller
charges for listing : No charges. Only commission for the goods sold
When can be
started : After verification of documents
How many products
minimum needed : Starting can be made even with one product
fees charged : Commission on selling price
fixed closing fee
Registration- Required
Company details - email phone nos address etc.
Basic information about business: VAT/CST details mandatory and need to be provided after registration (except exempted category)
Is web site required : No
How to go about : Seller central account is available
Three different ways available
1. Fulfilment by amazon
2. Easy shipment. Pack the orders
and wait for the Amazon to pickup through seller central account
3. Deliver products on your own and confirm
through your seller central account
Settlement for
goods sold : Seven days
How to list the products -
Web based interface available to list products. excel based inventory for bulk listing.(suggestion - Use SELLinALL)
Web based interface available to list products. excel based inventory for bulk listing.(suggestion - Use SELLinALL)
Is bar code is necessary - Currently it is mandatory for bar codes. Exception can be made by
contacting your seller central account.
Protection against fraud : helps seller to protect against fraud purchases.
Registration required. Upon completion of registration process accept the agreement. Create user id and password.
For identification -credit or debit card.
Register on Paisa Pay. Email id required.
website : No need
Shipping: Shipping can be done through your courier
Power shipping process : Ebay's can be used
Seller Protection: Seller protection programme available
International Shipping : Allowed
Selling by what type : Either by fixed price or by auction
Charges : Insertion fee, Final value fee, Paise Pay facility fee
Seller training : Seller training given by Ebay
Registration: Required for setting up the shop; Name your shop; Stock your shop with listing; Choose the payment method; Setup billing.
Registration : Required and sign the agreement; Issued with an on board starter kit; After going through the starter kit undergo a test; Upon passing through the test you will be put into ICU programme. After ICU you will treated as a permanent seller.
Bank Account details:
Company name; Product details : Whether authorised to sell this products ?
Web site : No need
After registration : Snap deal will contact you and helps you to proceed further.
Foreign Sale : No
Verification : By snapdeal; If they are not satisfied your subscription will be cancelled.
Charges :
Listing charges : Free
During the registration process other commission structure will be done.
Training : Initial training given by the Snapdeal.
(more ecommerce sites reference in part II )

Amazon - One of the largest American E-Commerce site, headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Started in the year 1994 with cloud infrastructure and it has many subsidiary sites all over the world.
Ad Centre - Advertising programme by google, to set budgeted advertising and only charged when visitor click the online advertisement.
Affiliate - OOfficiallyfattached or connected to an organisation ( a subsidiary group or a person)
AOV - Average Order Value - Average amount each time a customer spend while placing order.
Batch - Number of transaction that have been captured and waiting for settlement
Brick and Mortar - Denotes to a physical presence of an organisation or shopping business in a building or other structures.
Bulk posting- Number of data/listing of items made at the e-market place .
Baidu - A Chinese web service company famous for its search engine in China started in 2000.
bounce rate leaving the web page while going through without continuing for other pages of the visited site (URL)
blog - Writings of a person's thoughts published at a regular or frequent manner and linked to websites.
B to B - Business to Business
B to C - Business to Customer
Banner ad - Rectangular advertisements placed on the four sides of an web page but linked to the advertiser web site

Customer - A person or company or organisation which deals with another.
C to C - Customer to Customer
C to B- Customer to Business
Conversion - The act of converting the site visitors into paying customers.
Conversion rate- The percentage of conversion.
Cookies- A form of small file stored in the computers in connection with a specific client and website.
Cross Selling - The action or practice of selling additional products or service apart from the ordered by the existing customer
Dash board - User friendly page for the sellers in a website wherein which all the action oriented pages are linked. (example SELLinALL Dash board here details)
Drop shipping - Goods delivered directly by manufacturer to the retailer or to the customer
Distributor - An agent who supplies to the retailer.

Ebay - An American multinational e-commerce company started in 1995 at Sanjose, California USA. It has many subsidiaries in many countries.
Etailing - Online e-commerce retail selling.
etsy - Peer to peer e-commerce site focusing on hand made or vintage items and unique factory made items.
Ecommerce platform - A site for commercial transaction conducted electronically on the Internet.
Export - export any inventory or data from sellers computer to online market place computer.
facebook - A popular social media website. This site can alos be used as a market place by the online sellers.
flipkart - An Indian ecommerce company started in the year 2007 headquartered at Bangalore, India.
fulfilment - The action or process of delivering the goods to the customer
hosted carts - A website which makes provision for entrepreneurs and business with all the tools and services required for them to manage and conduct an ecommerce business.
Instagram - An online mobile application which provides the services to share pictures and video privately, publicly or other networking platforms.
Inventory - List of the items for selling in the e-commerce platform
import - Import any inventory or data from on line market place to the sellers computer.

Lazada - Singapore
headquartered ecommerce company started by Rocket in 2011. It has a group operated site in the east Asian countries.
headquartered ecommerce company started by Rocket in 2011. It has a group operated site in the east Asian countries.
landing page -A web page in a website which services as the point of entry to the website.
logistics - A formation of method for commercial activity to move the goods to the purchaser or customer.
(to be continued in Quick Guide for the Online Sellers and Glossary of Online Selling Words - Part II )