About 40 minutes, that is all it has taken for 95000, Mi3 Xiaomi Mobiles to be sold in India through Flipkart in six flash sales. This shows the future of e-commerce in India – Says The Economic Times. Online sellers! the future of e-commerce in India is Pots of Gold at the Rainbows End. In my blog - Oh! It all started with the Barter System , I wrote about the selling trends of 50’s till 90's where- in one important link I omitted to mention in between the online selling of present day world and the old time way of selling. That is the Mail Order Business. The advertisements in print media converted into a sale by Mail Order Business. In the 60’s till the year 1970 the selling through Value Payable Post has been considered as the important link to the present day online selling. Here is a brief history of evolution of In...