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Showing posts with the label online health insurance

Online health care in India on the Rise!!!

The online health care in India is on the rise for past 5 years. Its a 100 Billion Rupees industry in India Now!!! There are various sectors in the health care  like online pharmacy, online appointment and consultation with doctors, online medical insurance etc. People are moving towards the online health care system as there are more advantages in this system. Online pharmacy is a sector which is rising now a days. There are many online pharmacy websites like,, Appolopharmacy. in etc. which cater to the needs of the customers like over the counter drugs,  health supplements, health care devices, personal care and wellness products, Ayurvedic and herbal products etc. The major websites like, , also have a health care section which caters to the needs of online customers. The cheaper rates, home delivery and the availability of rare medicines are some of the reasons for people tending towards online pharmac...

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