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Showing posts with the label statistics on shipping

The shipping that goes across the continents; A review of the e-commerce shipping.

"Shipping in e-commerce is the  Barometer of Customer Satisfaction."                                           - The Unknown From the time immemorial the movement of goods from one continent to another taken place by ships across the ocean.   Based on this,  the etymology denotes, the derivation of the word shipping.  In year Circa 1300, the word  SHIP (noun)  converted into a verb, by the American English, to denote the transportation of merchandise through the sea by ships. In the year Circa 1857, the word SHIP (verb) denoted to anything transported to the other places by any modes of transports - by Air, by Ship, by Road, by Train,  and nowadays by drones to effect delivery at the doorsteps.  There are expected to be 600,000 commercial drones in use by 2018, and almost half of Americans would be willing to receiv...

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