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Showing posts with the label lazada groups

How to start an Online Selling Business using the Smartphone? Think big, Act big and Sell Online through the Small Smartphone!!

                                                The phrase  mobile commerce  was originally coined in 1997 by Kevin Duffey at the launch of the Global Mobile Commerce Forum, to mean "the delivery of  electronic commerce  capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand, anywhere, via  wireless  technology."    - Wikipedia Kevin Duffey at the time of coining the word Mobile Commerce never thought that Mobile Commerce shall be making billions and billions on Online Selling Marketplaces. The growing number of smartphone users (32% of the world population) , the tremendous growth in world transportation and logistics are leading us towards more dependency on the Smartphone and Online Selling. The dream of every online seller has become true due to the smartphone technological improvement. The formidable growth in t...

Quick Guide for the Online Sellers and Glossary of Online Selling Words - Part 1

21st century's bonhomie with e-commerce  is a welcoming sign for online sellers. Day in and Day out, more and more e-commerce sites step into the online market.  Tremendous leap from the Barter System of selling to the present day e-commerce has added more new words to the English Dictionary. This has lead to the difficulty of coping up with the growing number of e-commerce jargon  for the online sellers  .  SELLinALL  Blog as a goodwill gesture to the online sellers compiled this quick guide about the facilities and registration requirements of the top online e-commerce sites (in this blog -Part 1- five market places referred) to refer at a glance. As an additional feature this blog compiled the glossary of e-commerce words often used in the e-commerce platforms, to ease the difficulties  the online sellers come across every day due to lack of understanding of the e-commerce terminology.  This blog may be construed...


Handshake of par excellence - that is what has happened when  SELLinALL as a service provider joined hands with  South East Asia E-commerce Giant Lazada .   Founded in 2011, by the e-commerce company  Rocket Internet, Singapore Head-quartered Lazada improved its presence  and by 2014 started operating in further more five countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,  Thailand and Vietnam.    It has turned its business as a market place model by then, to take advantage of Global Giant Amazon in the East  Asian e-selling corridor. With 65% of its business, Lazada has given its market place platform a due importance, thereby increased the third party  sellers presence to the tune of 10,000 as on December 2014.  Even though Lazada faces a great hurdle from Brick and Mortar  selling along with the lack of awareness of credit card selling in the South East Asian countries, depending on the futuristic  tre...


There is an old saying - " IT IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE". But SELLinALL has said and done it. It has been said by the Online Sellers that SELLinALL has made the online selling easy for them. World has shrunken into one market place because of the technological innovations. In the present day world there become no difference between day and night. The online seller have to cope up with this time frame and manage the selling all the 24 hours. This impossible made possible by the SELLinALL LISTING MANAGEMENT The time consuming first difficulty an online seller faces is the listing management. If it confines to one or two items for selling in the online market the hurdles a seller faces is less. But once the product numbers increases then the sellers has to spend more time on listing.  This confines not only for description  of the products but also for uploading the pictures. SELLinALL research team has analysed the difficulties an online seller faces whi...

How to take product photos easily for the online selling and upload them on the e-market places.

1=1000 .   Is this a puzzling equation? No. This is what old English idiom says.  "A picture is worth a thousand words.". This idiom is 100 percent true indeed, literally. In this 21st century more and more e-commerce  sites  (online market places) mushrooming like anything. Small online sellers find it not easy to upload professionally taken pictures to their online selling sites because of the high cost involved. In this article we analyse and present to you -  Online Sellers - the technical tips and tricks for taking apt pictures for the online selling of your products.   From  silver bromide plates to light sensitive films and to film less digital format, from bellows to box cameras, from aim and shoot to Polaroid, from range finder to single lens, from digital cameras to digital single lens reflex camera and from mobile camera to satellite camera,  what a revolutionary technological changes happened in the camera worl...

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