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Showing posts with the label flipcart

How to start an Online Selling Business using the Smartphone? Think big, Act big and Sell Online through the Small Smartphone!!

                                                The phrase  mobile commerce  was originally coined in 1997 by Kevin Duffey at the launch of the Global Mobile Commerce Forum, to mean "the delivery of  electronic commerce  capabilities directly into the consumer’s hand, anywhere, via  wireless  technology."    - Wikipedia Kevin Duffey at the time of coining the word Mobile Commerce never thought that Mobile Commerce shall be making billions and billions on Online Selling Marketplaces. The growing number of smartphone users (32% of the world population) , the tremendous growth in world transportation and logistics are leading us towards more dependency on the Smartphone and Online Selling. The dream of every online seller has become true due to the smartphone technological improvement. The formidable growth in t...

It is a change but not a change for SELLinALL. SELLinALL changed its Headquarter's premises to a new.

" Successful entrepreneurs judge correctly the need  for change then do something about it".   -  James Edward Smith. SELLinALL changed its Head quarter's premises to a spacious place at Blk.73, Ayer Rajah Crescent, One North District, Singapore,  It is a change for the good. But SELLinALL never changed (compromised) its quality service to its clients and its rugged software which works in all the modern bits and bytes gadgets like tabs, personal computers, lap tops, smart phones etc.,  In the year 2014 five young techies with a decade of experience in the e-commerce field, met in the suburbs of Singapore and brainstormed to develop a (sparkles behind the screen) software for the online sellers. Their aim was to fulfil all the drawbacks and problems faced by the online sellers while uploading their products data in the e-market places. The result is their brain child - SELLinALL. In May 2015 SELLinALL participated in the qualifier for t...


Handshake of par excellence - that is what has happened when  SELLinALL as a service provider joined hands with  South East Asia E-commerce Giant Lazada .   Founded in 2011, by the e-commerce company  Rocket Internet, Singapore Head-quartered Lazada improved its presence  and by 2014 started operating in further more five countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,  Thailand and Vietnam.    It has turned its business as a market place model by then, to take advantage of Global Giant Amazon in the East  Asian e-selling corridor. With 65% of its business, Lazada has given its market place platform a due importance, thereby increased the third party  sellers presence to the tune of 10,000 as on December 2014.  Even though Lazada faces a great hurdle from Brick and Mortar  selling along with the lack of awareness of credit card selling in the South East Asian countries, depending on the futuristic  tre...


There is an old saying - " IT IS EASIER SAID THAN DONE". But SELLinALL has said and done it. It has been said by the Online Sellers that SELLinALL has made the online selling easy for them. World has shrunken into one market place because of the technological innovations. In the present day world there become no difference between day and night. The online seller have to cope up with this time frame and manage the selling all the 24 hours. This impossible made possible by the SELLinALL LISTING MANAGEMENT The time consuming first difficulty an online seller faces is the listing management. If it confines to one or two items for selling in the online market the hurdles a seller faces is less. But once the product numbers increases then the sellers has to spend more time on listing.  This confines not only for description  of the products but also for uploading the pictures. SELLinALL research team has analysed the difficulties an online seller faces whi...

You can also be a winning seller in the online ecommerce market by selling chinese goods or Has the Chinese dragon stopped emitting fire?

On a pleasant day in the year 1271, a seventeen-year-old Venetian merchant started his onward journey along with his father and uncle to the other end of the world - Glorious China.  On that day he was not aware that one day his name will be etched on the history of the world. That teenaged merchant name was Marco Polo ( a name etched in the travelogues history), and his father and uncle namely Niccolo Polo and Maffeo Polo. The onward journey lasted for two years, and they reached the Chinese kingdom ruled by the famous Emperor KUBLAI KHAN, the son of emperor Genghis Khan. Those were the days where  the glory of the Khan's Empire baffled the Holy Roman Empire wherefrom the Polo's family came. The Chinese with their grand marble architectural wonders and their beautiful silks dazzled the sense of young Marco Polo. The transportation of Chinese Silk and Artefacts,  to be sold in the markets of the western world has given birth to the fam...

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